Death. Taxes. Annual changes to what the cool kids are doing with their kitchens. These are the three certainties in life, and although staying a step ahead of any of them can get daunting at times, we’re here to help with the one that lets us look at color samples (other than black, that is).
If you’re thinking of swapping out the kitchen sink and have been pondering the look of stainless steel, you may want to reign in those desires. It looks like the people are finding this once-popular metallic look to be passé in this new year. Instead, consider using another metal like copper, or a stone material like polished concrete, quartz, or granite.
But before envisioning an all-granite sink and surface combo for your kitchen, note that this quarry material is on the verge of abdicating its reign as the quintessential countertop material. Folks are also looking to different surface options in 2018, such as laminates, quartz, and wood.

Speaking of a switch from stainless steel, 2018 will also usher out the trend of covering as many appliances as possible with the material. It turns out that the powers-that-be are tired of dealing with the smudges. Black versions of stainless steel do not show smudges, so the material’s pivot to this color should allow it to stay relevant. Slate coverings are coming into fashion, as this material doesn’t even have a smudge problem. Some appliance manufacturers such as Blue Star even offer appliances which can be painted in any of hundreds of available colors.
But appliances aren’t just getting a facelift; they’re getting with the times. Some appliances in the new year can be interacted with just like a tablet touch screen. For example, stove top models have a finger-drag function which allows for precise temperature adjustment. Check out what else we have to say about making your home a smart one.
Now, if we’re revamping the range, we may as well revamp its setting along with it. Specifically, I’m talking about the backsplash. Subway tiles may be here to stay, but they certainly aren’t expected to be this year’s life of the party. If you want your kitchen to pop, consider vinyl-coated wallpaper, slabs of marble or limestone, or handmade Moroccan tiles instead of plain ol’ parallelograms. Or if you want to stand out while staying true to the rectangles, metallic tiles and painted brick will do the job nicely.
Of course, the entire purpose of having a kitchen is food preparation, a task which is nigh impossible without a refrigerator. The fridges of 2018 come in many styles and sizes. Of course, there are top-mount, side-by-side, and French door varieties, but the temperature-based food preservation rabbit hole goes so much deeper. Fridges can now come with an installed glass pane to allow the indecisive eater to stare at their options without letting out the cold air. Or maybe you’d really like out of a standard-style kitchen by turning from the traditional tall single-unit option for a few under-counter systems.