If you’re thinking about keeping your bathroom abreast of 2018’s trends, take a look at our summary of them below.

This year’s faucet vanguard is taking a nostalgic turn that will make guests reflect on beautiful bathrooms of the 20th Century. Specifically, brass is returning to the restroom for all your fixture needs. And although it has been on the outside looking in for a few years, home décor specialists insist that brass faucets and handles that are integrated thoughtfully into the bathroom will not look dated for years and years to come. Other metallic materials which are making their way into the faucet game this year are rose gold and champagne bronze.

Alternatively, the color concept described in the last paragraph is also being applied to faucets to make them pop in a different manner. Because the faucets are now so gleaming and glistening, bathroom tiles in 2018 are beginning to step back from the reflection game. Shiny subway tiles aren’t exactly “out,” but they don’t make quite the strong impression they did a few years ago. On the other hand, terra cotta tiles in pastel tones (there’s that color revitalization again!), geometric cement tiles, and textured brickwork tiles will give your bathroom the revamped-retro feel that seems to be all the rage this year. But don’t be misled by this contrast; although they haven’t been buffed to the point of being able to sub-in for the mirror, these tiles have the spunk to take the lead in your water closet’s “wow” factor.

Of course, a new year is about more than just appearances. The bathroom of 2018 also represents the technological advances and trends of this day and age. For example, it has never been easier or more affordable for a homeowner to rock out while getting clean thanks to the variety of water-resistant shower speakers available today for installation. If you’d prefer something more soothing, a number of bath and shower providers have release “chromatherapy” lighting systems which flood the area with lights of alternating colors to help ease the mind.
Photographer: Wings Photography